Well/Behaved Podcast
Stephanie Biegel and Lauren Abney, self declared boss babes and wellness junkies, are committed to living their very best lives. This podcast delivers wellness remixed; featuring a mix of guests that will excite and inspire you step up your wellness game. Their mantra: “You Do You!”
Well/Behaved Podcast
It’s Not a Cleanse, It’s a Reset | w/ Lisa Odenweller CEO and Founder of Kroma Wellness
Lisa Odenweller
Season 3
Episode 9
Did you know the standard juice cleanse has 200+ grams of sugar a day? Unsubscribe. We have CEO and Founder of Kroma Wellness, Lisa Odenweller on the pod to bring light to cleanse culture and why a Reset might be the alternative you’ve been looking for. We talk sugar, functional ingredients and how good it can feel to feel good.
Get that Kroma Reset 20% off with code “Wellbehaved20”
- Krome Reset - code “Wellbehaved20”
- limited time offer - Expires November. good for Resets only
- Amass - Botanic tonics, spritzers, and non-alc sips
- Midday squares - the yummiest snack
- Jem almonds butter - try the cinnamon maca
- Bread block
- Pizana pizza gluten free pizza